Kategorie: Soziologie / Sociology
In my perfect Universe Libraries and Projects are forever and do not outlast their Creators and Producers…
in Aeon Sophia Pleroma, Anti-Brainwash, Anti-Fascism/Anti-Faschismus, Anti-Spy, Conspiracy Revelation, Detox, Erleuchtung/Perfect Gnosis, Freedom Fight / Freiheitskampf, Idealismus, Immortality / Super-Transcendence, Individualismus, Infinity Expression, Kreative Vision, Motivation / Enthusiasmus, Mysticism / Mystizismus, Philosophia / Theosophia, Prä-Existenz / Ur-Wissen, Sophia/Tara/Terra/Gaia/Mother Earth/Terra Nova/, Soziologie / Sociology, Subjektivismus, Wisdom/Gnosis, Zeitresistenz/Negentropie/Time Persistence/Quasi Immortality, Zen16.3.2025 In my perfect Universe Libraries, Inventions and Pioneer Projects are forever and do not outlast their Creators and Producers… // In meinem perfekten Universum sind Bibliotheken, Erfindungen und Pionier-Projekte für die Ewigkeit und überdauern nicht ihre Schöpfer und Produzenten … A broken Glass (falling to the ground ) gave the Spy Agencies the false…
Böse BCI Gang Stalker. Tag und Nacht aktiv…Dokumentary.
Conspiracy Revelstion: 10.1.2025: Böse BCI Gang Stalker. Tag und Nacht aktiv…Dokumentary. Böse BCI Gang Stalker. Tag und Nacht aktiv…Dokumentary.
Aura Light Defense – Schlafentzugsfolter durch Geheimdienste –
Aura Light Defense January 2025 Aura Light Defense – Schlafentzugsfolter durch Geheimdienste -8.1.2025
Aura Defense – The Pristine Factor vs Lhcc Parasitic Vampire Crooks.
in Aeon Sophia Pleroma, Anti-Brainwash, Anti-Fascism/Anti-Faschismus, Conspiracy Revelation, Detox, Erleuchtung/Perfect Gnosis, Freedom Fight / Freiheitskampf, Idealismus, Individualismus, Infinity Expression, Kreative Vision, Motivation / Enthusiasmus, Multi-Dimensionale Verteidigung, Mysticism / Mystizismus, Naturalismus, Objektivismus, Philosophia / Theosophia, Poesie / Poetry, Politik, Psychologie / Psychology, Rationalismus, Realismus, Sophia/Tara/Terra/Gaia/Mother Earth/Terra Nova/, Soziologie / Sociology, Subjektivismus, Uncategorized, Wahrheit / Truth, Wisdom/GnosisAura Defense – The Pristine Factor vs Lhcc Parasitic Vampire Crooks. „Bezos is scared of him, because he knows he is tracking every minute of his life. -w2k“ Das kann es nun wirklich nicht sein, ihr acquiriert Milliarden für nichts und wieder nichts, sitzt tatenlos auf euren Yachten und quält währenddessen Millionen von Menschen aus…
Philogen V.113.13 zufälliger Zitate-Mix / Random Quote-Mix
in Aeon Sophia Pleroma, Erleuchtung/Perfect Gnosis, Idealismus, Immortality / Super-Transcendence, Individualismus, Infinity Expression, Kreative Vision, Mysticism / Mystizismus, Naturalismus, Poesie / Poetry, Prä-Existenz / Ur-Wissen, Psychologie / Psychology, Rationalismus, Realismus, Sophia/Tara/Terra/Gaia/Mother Earth/Terra Nova/, Soziologie / Sociology, Subjektivismus, Wahrheit / Truth, Wisdom/Gnosis, Zeitresistenz/Negentropie/Time Persistence/Quasi Immortality, ZenPhilogen V.113.13 zufälliger Zitate-Mix / Random Quote-Mix „To understand correctly the meaning of the words Alchemy and Astrology, it is necessary to understand and to realize the intimate relationship and identity of the Microcosm and Macrocosm, and their mutual interaction. (Paracelsus)“ [73876] „The collective dream is the hypnosis of social conditioning. Only sages.. & geniuses…
Chosen Ones, you are looking fresh.. Time doesn’t touch You.
in Aeon Sophia Pleroma, Detox, Erleuchtung/Perfect Gnosis, Idealismus, Immortality / Super-Transcendence, Individualismus, Infinity Expression, Kreative Vision, Motivation / Enthusiasmus, Multi-Dimensionale Verteidigung, Mysticism / Mystizismus, Naturalismus, Philosophia / Theosophia, Poesie / Poetry, Prä-Existenz / Ur-Wissen, Psychologie / Psychology, Sophia/Tara/Terra/Gaia/Mother Earth/Terra Nova/, Soziologie / Sociology, Subjektivismus, Wisdom/Gnosis, Zeitresistenz/Negentropie/Time Persistence/Quasi Immortality, Zen„Chosen Ones, you are looking fresh.. Time doesn’t touch You.“ *Ageless Power* *Mystical Magnetism* *Unwavering Vitality* *Timeless Legacy* https://conspiracyrevelation.com/2024/11/11/chosen-ones-you-are-looking-fresh-time-doesnt-touch-you/ Chosen Ones, you are looking fresh.. Time doesn’t touch You.
Saintly-Field 30 Min. Medium Siege Rise – Combat Mode…
in Aeon Sophia Pleroma, Anti-Brainwash, Anti-Fascism/Anti-Faschismus, Conspiracy Revelation, Detox, Erleuchtung/Perfect Gnosis, Freedom Fight / Freiheitskampf, Humor, Idealismus, Immortality / Super-Transcendence, Individualismus, Infinity Expression, Kreative Vision, Motivation / Enthusiasmus, Multi-Dimensionale Verteidigung, Mysticism / Mystizismus, Naturalismus, Objektivismus, Philosophia / Theosophia, Poesie / Poetry, Politik, Prä-Existenz / Ur-Wissen, Psychologie / Psychology, Rationalismus, Realismus, Sophia/Tara/Terra/Gaia/Mother Earth/Terra Nova/, Soziologie / Sociology, Subjektivismus, Wahrheit / Truth, Wisdom/Gnosis, ZenSaintly-Field 30 Min. Medium Siege Rise – Combat Mode https://conspiracyrevelation.com/2024/11/13/saintly-field-30-min-medium-siege-rise-combat-mode/
Avatar Project and Soft Disclosure MindNet-Transmissions…
in Aeon Sophia Pleroma, Anti-Brainwash, Anti-Fascism/Anti-Faschismus, Conspiracy Revelation, Detox, Erleuchtung/Perfect Gnosis, Freedom Fight / Freiheitskampf, Humor, Idealismus, Immortality / Super-Transcendence, Individualismus, Infinity Expression, Multi-Dimensionale Verteidigung, Mysticism / Mystizismus, Naturalismus, Objektivismus, Philosophia / Theosophia, Politik, Prä-Existenz / Ur-Wissen, Psychologie / Psychology, Rationalismus, Realismus, Relativismus, Sophia/Tara/Terra/Gaia/Mother Earth/Terra Nova/, Soziologie / Sociology, Subjektivismus, Wahrheit / Truth, Wisdom/Gnosis, Zen„Avatar Project and Soft Disclosure MindNet-Transmissions…“ “God is pouring more Energy into him than they will ever be able to siphon. -w2k” Clever watchers.. https://conspiracyrevelation.com/2024/11/09/avatar-project-and-soft-disclosure-mindnet-transmissions/ Avatar Project and Soft Disclosure MindNet-Transmissions…
Saintly Field Re-Established…Individual Aura Protection
in Aeon Sophia Pleroma, Anti-Brainwash, Anti-Fascism/Anti-Faschismus, Conspiracy Revelation, Detox, Erleuchtung/Perfect Gnosis, Freedom Fight / Freiheitskampf, Immortality / Super-Transcendence, Individualismus, Infinity Expression, Kreative Vision, Motivation / Enthusiasmus, Multi-Dimensionale Verteidigung, Mysticism / Mystizismus, Objektivismus, Philosophia / Theosophia, Politik, Prä-Existenz / Ur-Wissen, Psychologie / Psychology, Rationalismus, Realismus, Sophia/Tara/Terra/Gaia/Mother Earth/Terra Nova/, Soziologie / Sociology, Subjektivismus, Wahrheit / Truth, Wisdom/Gnosis, ZenConspiracy Revelation: 8.11.2024: Saintly Field Re-Established…Individual Aura Protection…. On a daily basis necessary to disentangle evil ieee-ai-wban-mban-iob-wbnsn-bci-dna-theft quantum systems that want to misuse Human Soul Quantum Systems as power fuel for A.I. and Mind Interfacing communication tech methods. Quantum Vampires LHCC kicked out… Aura Protection Procedure… vs DNA Biotech Machine Heart-Tethering Quantum Vampire DNA or…
Mind-Net Realtime Tratsch… Quantum Spies…
in Aeon Sophia Pleroma, Anti-Brainwash, Anti-Fascism/Anti-Faschismus, Conspiracy Revelation, Detox, Erleuchtung/Perfect Gnosis, Freedom Fight / Freiheitskampf, Individualismus, Infinity Expression, Multi-Dimensionale Verteidigung, Mysticism / Mystizismus, Naturalismus, Philosophia / Theosophia, Poesie / Poetry, Politik, Prä-Existenz / Ur-Wissen, Psychologie / Psychology, Rationalismus, Realismus, Sophia/Tara/Terra/Gaia/Mother Earth/Terra Nova/, Soziologie / Sociology, Subjektivismus, Wahrheit / Truth, Wisdom/Gnosis, ZenConspiracy Revelation: 4.11.2024: Mind-Net Realtime Tratsch… Quantum Spies… Mind-Net Realtime Tratsch… Quantum Spies… https://conspiracyrevelation.com/2024/11/03/mind-net-realtime-tratsch-quantum-spies/
You can censor me on your FED-Nets, but not on my countless Private Networks
in Aeon Sophia Pleroma, Anti-Brainwash, Anti-Fascism/Anti-Faschismus, Conspiracy Revelation, Detox, Erleuchtung/Perfect Gnosis, Freedom Fight / Freiheitskampf, Idealismus, Immortality / Super-Transcendence, Individualismus, Infinity Expression, Motivation / Enthusiasmus, Multi-Dimensionale Verteidigung, Mysticism / Mystizismus, Naturalismus, Objektivismus, Philosophia / Theosophia, Politik, Prä-Existenz / Ur-Wissen, Psychologie / Psychology, Realismus, Relativismus, Sophia/Tara/Terra/Gaia/Mother Earth/Terra Nova/, Soziologie / Sociology, Subjektivismus, Uncategorized, Wahrheit / Truth, Wisdom/Gnosis, Zeitresistenz/Negentropie/Time Persistence/Quasi Immortality, ZenYou can censor me on your FED-Nets, but not on my countless Private Networks… Mind-Net – Synthetic Telepathy – News & OBJEKTIVISMUS https://conspiracyrevelation.com/2024/10/31/mind-net-synthetic-telepathy-news/ https://www.youtube.com/clip/UgkxJORnWFE7AKuAj-EMYZjh8yttqVgrWqb0?si=-Nla7eTZGYyNhQn8 FED AI CENSOR ALGO BYPASS +25 …
„The act of spreading knowledge is one of the Highest Expressions of unconditional love that one can ever give. (unknown)“ [63264]
„The act of spreading knowledge is one of the Highest Expressions of unconditional love that one can ever give. (unknown)“ [63264]
„The risk of inner experience, the adventure of the spirit, is in any case alien to most human beings. (Carl Gustav Jung)“
„The risk of inner experience, the adventure of the spirit, is in any case alien to most human beings. (Carl Gustav Jung)(Memories, Dreams and Reflections) [47054]“
„To revolt is a natural tendency of life…In general, the vitality and relative dignity of an animal can be measured by the intensity of its instinct to revolt. (Mikhail Bakunin)(1872) [22115]“
„To revolt is a natural tendency of life…In general, the vitality and relative dignity of an animal can be measured by the intensity of its instinct to revolt. (Mikhail Bakunin)(1872) [22115]“ // „Zu rebellieren ist eine natürliche Tendenz des Lebens … Im Allgemeinen kann die Vitalität und relative Würde eines Tieres an der Intensität seines…
“The slave does not want to become free. He wants to become a slave overseer. (Gabriel Laub) [32411]”
“Der Sklave will nicht frei werden. Er will Sklavenaufseher werden. (Gabriel Laub) [32411]” / “The slave does not want to become free. He wants to become a slave overseer. (Gabriel Laub) [32411]”
We are not meant to resolve all contradictions but to live with them and rise above them. (William Blake)“
„We are not meant to resolve all contradictions but to live with them and rise above them. (William Blake) (Book: „Thoughts in Solitude“ – 1958)
„Was hilft alle Aufklärung, alles Licht, wenn die Leute die Augen vorsätzlich verschließen. (Lichtenberg) [3567]“
„Was hilft alle Aufklärung, alles Licht, wenn die Leute die Augen vorsätzlich verschließen. (Lichtenberg) [3567]“
„Jeder Staat ist eine legalisierte Interessengemeinschaft, die sich gegen das Individuum verschworen hat. (Walter Mehring) [426]“
„Jeder Staat ist eine legalisierte Interessengemeinschaft, die sich gegen das Individuum verschworen hat. (Walter Mehring) [426]“ // “Every state is a legalized interest group that has conspired against the individual. (Walter Mehring) [426]”
„Re-examine all you have been told. Dismiss what insults your Soul. (Walt Whitman) [2824]“
in Aeon Sophia Pleroma, Anti-Brainwash, Detox, Idealismus, Infinity Expression, Kreative Vision, Motivation / Enthusiasmus, Multi-Dimensionale Verteidigung, Mysticism / Mystizismus, Naturalismus, Objektivismus, Philosophia / Theosophia, Psychologie / Psychology, Rationalismus, Realismus, Sophia/Tara/Terra/Gaia/Mother Earth/Terra Nova/, Soziologie / Sociology, Subjektivismus, Wahrheit / Truth, Wisdom/Gnosis„Re-examine all you have been told. Dismiss what insults your Soul. (Walt Whitman) [2824]“ „Resist much, obey little. (Walt Whitman) [49700]“ „Re-examine all you have been told in school or church or in any book, and dismiss whatever insults your own soul. (Walt Whitman) /(CutOff=>] [siehe=>2824] [=>18330] [=>25104] [73220]“
Anyone who tries to tell you this Universe is a just a Game, has zero clue and is full of ignorance…
in Aeon Sophia Pleroma, Anti-Fascism/Anti-Faschismus, Conspiracy Revelation, Erleuchtung/Perfect Gnosis, Freedom Fight / Freiheitskampf, Idealismus, Infinity Expression, Kreative Vision, Motivation / Enthusiasmus, Mysticism / Mystizismus, Naturalismus, Philosophia / Theosophia, Rationalismus, Realismus, Sophia/Tara/Terra/Gaia/Mother Earth/Terra Nova/, Soziologie / Sociology, Wahrheit / Truth, Wisdom/GnosisAnyone who tries to tell you this Universe is a just a Game, has zero clue and is full of ignorance, this Universe still offers the Greatest Opportunity for Self-Unfoldment and Self-Realization, I wouldn´t have sacrificed 12+ years to Spiritual Politics and Karma Gnana Yoga and Fighting the Ruling Evil, if this Universe and Earth…
I am not creating a Universe to give free rein to evil-unhinged psychopaths and to put 4.5 billion years of incredibly extreme Earth evolution…
in Aeon Sophia Pleroma, Anti-Fascism/Anti-Faschismus, Conspiracy Revelation, Freedom Fight / Freiheitskampf, Idealismus, Infinity Expression, Kreative Vision, Motivation / Enthusiasmus, Mysticism / Mystizismus, Naturalismus, Objektivismus, Philosophia / Theosophia, Psychologie / Psychology, Rationalismus, Realismus, Sophia/Tara/Terra/Gaia/Mother Earth/Terra Nova/, Soziologie / Sociology, Wahrheit / Truth, Wisdom/GnosisIch erschaffe kein Universum, um bösen, völlig durchgedrehten Psychopathen freie Hand zu geben und 4,5 Milliarden Jahre unglaublich extremer Erd-Evolution in die Hände von Biowaffenkriminellen, Biotechkriminellen und hirninvasiven Psychopathen zu geben, die alles zu ihrem Vorteil für die totalitäre Kontrolle micromanagen wollen, sogar das letzte Staubkorn, wobei sie straffrei bei Völkermord bleiben und du für…
The rarest and precioust is to be found here…an Alien amongst Zombie Nations…
The rarest and precioust is to be found here…an Alien amongst Zombie Nations… 10:47 nachm. · 6. März 2024 · 15 Mal angezeigt
„All things must be examined, debated, investigated without exception and without regard for anyone’s feelings. (Denis Diderot)“
„All things must be examined, debated, investigated without exception and without regard for anyone’s feelings. (Denis Diderot)“ 11:13 vorm. · 26. März 2024 · 19 Mal angezeigt … Totalbundeszensur auf sh#tter twitt#r
You are allowed to live Aeons, you can create eternally and make statistics over hundreds or thousands of years in my perfect universe and enjoy all your inventions forever……
in Aeon Sophia Pleroma, Freedom Fight / Freiheitskampf, Idealismus, Immortality / Super-Transcendence, Infinity Expression, Kreative Vision, Motivation / Enthusiasmus, Mysticism / Mystizismus, Philosophia / Theosophia, Poesie / Poetry, Prä-Existenz / Ur-Wissen, Psychologie / Psychology, Sophia/Tara/Terra/Gaia/Mother Earth/Terra Nova/, Soziologie / Sociology, Wisdom/Gnosis, Zeitresistenz/Negentropie/Time Persistence/Quasi ImmortalityYou are allowed to live Aeons, you can create eternally and make statistics over hundreds or thousands of years in my perfect universe and enjoy all your inventions forever. / Du darfst Äonen leben, du kannst ewig erschaffen und Statistiken über hunderte oder tausende von Jahren in meinem perfekten Universum erstellen und dich für immer…
There is no Aging and Disease in my perfect Universe, nobody needs to exit in a deteriorated physical state and can remain eternally graceful.
in Aeon Sophia Pleroma, Conspiracy Revelation, Idealismus, Immortality / Super-Transcendence, Infinity Expression, Kreative Vision, Motivation / Enthusiasmus, Mysticism / Mystizismus, Philosophia / Theosophia, Poesie / Poetry, Prä-Existenz / Ur-Wissen, Psychologie / Psychology, Sophia/Tara/Terra/Gaia/Mother Earth/Terra Nova/, Soziologie / Sociology, Wisdom/Gnosis, Zeitresistenz/Negentropie/Time Persistence/Quasi ImmortalityThere is no Aging and Disease in my perfect Universe, nobody needs to exit in a deteriorated physical state and can remain eternally graceful. / In meinem perfekten Universum gibt es kein Altern und keine Krankheit, niemand muss in einem verschlechterten physischen Zustand das Leben verlassen und kann ewig anmutig bleiben. (Ingmar Veeck)(2024)(7.5.)
There is no Kali Yuga in my perfect universe, evil can never overtake any Aeon there.
in Aeon Sophia Pleroma, Anti-Fascism/Anti-Faschismus, Conspiracy Revelation, Freedom Fight / Freiheitskampf, Idealismus, Immortality / Super-Transcendence, Infinity Expression, Kreative Vision, Motivation / Enthusiasmus, Mysticism / Mystizismus, Philosophia / Theosophia, Prä-Existenz / Ur-Wissen, Sophia/Tara/Terra/Gaia/Mother Earth/Terra Nova/, Soziologie / Sociology, Wisdom/Gnosis, Zeitresistenz/Negentropie/Time Persistence/Quasi ImmortalityThere is no Kali Yuga in my perfect universe, evil can never overtake any Aeon there. / In meinem perfekten Universum gibt es kein Kali Yuga, das Böse kann dort niemals ein Äon überkommen. (Ingmar Veeck)(2024)(7.5.)
Here, we may call that Gaia – the consciousness of the world…
„Here, we may call that Gaia – the consciousness of the world. Back up in the celestial realm of spiritual light, Sophia rediscovers Gnosis by joining her twin brother in a “marriage” of reunification, balancing the masculine ego of unrealized potential, and uniting it with the sacred feminine – made ever more powerful by adversity……
So don’t be afraid to share a dance with Sophia – she’s quite a girl, I promise….
„Finding the Way Back Up: So don’t be afraid to share a dance with Sophia – she’s quite a girl, I promise. Allow her to take you to that place down across the tracks that we all must visit, where we become painfully separated from our true potential, and exiled from what we are really…
Your government is a panicked narcissist who wants to push you into reactive abuse (outbursts of anger).
Ingmar Veeck @IngmarVeeck Your government is a panicked narcissist who wants to push you into reactive abuse (outbursts of anger). // Deine Regierung ist ein in Panik geratener Narzisst, der dich in reaktiven Missbrauch (Wutausbruch) treiben will.. datetime=“2024-04-29″ https://twitter.com/IngmarVeeck/status/1784977628979417562 https://www.facebook.com/ingmar.veeck/posts/pfbid02DnSsyg1SWG19RyyBTsBQyDUxmU4awHfSHXzGbM7krA6R2TjBmEH5xnw8sqmSCoAzl